Islam for Deaf Kids Islamic Studies
Games & Puzzles

The Muslim Kids Tv shows
The Muslim Kids Show
Education video for kids. Showreel for TMKS Facts videos
The Muslim Kids Show
Join Habibah on her space travels, learn more about the creation of Allah.
The Muslim Kids Show
StoryTime with Autie K
The Muslim Kids Show
Islam for Deaf Kids BSL Islamic Studies
The Muslim Kids Show
Join Abdul Hakim with Stories from the Quran & Sunnah
The Muslim Kids Show
The life of Muhammad PBUH and how Islam spread around the world

I love skipping, playing outside and helping my mom with the gardening. I always ask a lot of questions in class, help with jobs in the classroom, And I even helped organize a summer fair , to raise money for charity
I am Saliha

I am the leader of a secret club , and my friend and I love going on secret missions together. i play for my school football team because they say i am the fastest runner !
I am Assad

I am captain of the school football team. Besides football, I enjoy karate and archery. On weekend, I enjoy attending my youth club, where I get to see all my friends and learn about Islam
I am Anas

I am a hafidh, and I love reciting Quran for my family and friends. I like going to my swimming class, riding my bike and playing in the park with my friends.